9cd0c260 Baguettes - Algerian cuisine

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Baguettes - Algerian cuisine

 Baguettes - Algerian cuisine

Algerian Brioche Baguettes

Salem Hello

A bread that takes me back to childhood, whose smell perfumes the streets during the holy month and makes us hungry.

It's a special Ramadan bread, and people go crazy for it during the holy month for the "suhûr". It smells of brioche, but not just brioche, with a range of flavors including aniseed, sesame and nigella, a real call to gourmandise.

Brioche Baguette

Called skoubidou or scoubidou in other regions, I have no idea where this name comes from. Maybe it has something to do with the texture of the bread... 

Ingredients for 4 to 5 baguettes: 

500 g T45 plain flour

25 g sugar

10 g salt

20 g fresh baker's yeast or 12 g instant yeast 

2.5 cl oil 

3 tbsp. milk powder 

255-260 ml lukewarm water (if you don't have milk powder, substitute liquid milk)

30 g butter 

Nigella seeds (you can add sesame seeds for extra flavor)

1/2 tsp Aniseed powder 

Gilding :

1 egg + 1 tsp sugar + 1 tsp orange blossom

Preparation :

1- Mix the yeast, sugar, 1 tablespoon flour and about 100 ml water in a bowl. Mix well and leave for 5 minutes. 

2- Then mix the sifted flour, salt, milk powder, aniseed, oil, add the water gradually and knead for 5 minutes.

3- Add the sourdough and knead for a further 5 minutes to develop the glutinous network and obtain a slightly sticky, smooth dough. Add the butter at the end and knead to integrate it into the dough.

4- Cover with cling film and a clean cloth, leave to rise for 1 hour, then divide into equal dough pieces.

5- Roll out the dough slightly, fold over one side, fold over the other and roll to form a baguette.

6- The trick to making an even roll is to pull the dough slightly in the center first, then roll it out on both sides. 

7- Place on lined baking sheets, spacing them out, cover with a cloth and leave to bake for 40 minutes to 1 hour. 

8- Preheat oven to 200°C, brown baguettes, then sprinkle with seeds and score. Bake in the oven for 25 to 30 minutes, until golden-brown.

Algerian baguettes, brioche bread, brioche algerienne, ramadan, brioche baguettes

عن الكاتب

Soufiane Mira


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